On Friday, Grenada celebrated MANGO FESTIVAL 2011. This is an annual event dedicated to THE mango. Yup, you've got it... Grenada opened it's National Stadium to a bunch of fruits !!
A mango is a mango, right ? WRONG ! ! I was overwhelmed by the number of varieties of mango. On the table pictured at the left, there were approximately 20 varieties displayed. Our local friend Keith (who keeps Persephone supplied with all kinds of fruits from his yard) explained that there are nearly a hundred different varieties grown on the island. ("Excuse me, are mangoes and pineapples related " ? "No, mon, 'des pineapples are d'air for decorations." She then muttered something in creole under her breath....probably "'have a nice day"...
The day was dedicated to all of the things you can do with a mango....juice, wine, plain sauce, hot sauce, cake, truffles, pie, ice cream (VERY GOOD) candies, soap, lotions, tarts, cookies, dried, just to name a very few. The table at the right was one of several displaying the different mango products.
The best thing to do with a mango ----just eat it as is...DELICIOUS !!!
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