Monday, September 21, 2009

Hello from Cape May !!

We arrived at Cape May last night just as the sun was setting.  It was a very dramatic sunset specially ordered for our arrival !  Trudie got a terrific picture of it and we will post it as soon as I figure out how to do it.  We anchored just off the channel (Coast Guard said we were IN the channel....) last nite with the few remaining rays of daylight.  We enjoyed a "cold one" while relaxing in the cockpit toasting our safe arrival. 

This was Trudie's first overnight offshore sail on Persephone.  She stood a 5 hour watch  (1am to 6 am) on Saturday night so I could get some sleep.  In one word, she was TERRIFIC.  She was able to handle the boat, navigate and wind through several huge tankers and freighters going into and out of NY Harbor.  Now that she has her first watch under her belt, she is ready for a transatlantic crossing!

We hauled the anchor late morning and pulled into a marina in Cape May. Trudie has been doing laundry and I cleaned up the boat.  We haven't strayed far from Persephone.  Gonna close this post, and start exploring the town.  Next post will be from Trudie....I hope.  Feel a thirst coming on !!

1 comment:

  1. Hay there! You're doing it! Congrats from Pelican! I can't believe Trudie handled NY harbor on her first watch. That is one of the scariest harbors ever. Those huge ships are quite daunting. I'm glad things are going well and that you're on your way.
