Monday, July 11, 2011

Off to the Pan Yard.....

As Carnival season approaches, the local pan (steel drum) bands are practicing for the annual island wide competition know as "Panorama".  Last year 28 bands joined the competition at the National Stadium; most bands having over a hundred  players.  Shade Mon (our taxi driver) arranged for a group of cruisers to attend a practice session of the "LIME Comancheros"; the reigning National Youth Division Champions.

On the left,  are some of the newer members of the band.  The pans which are made in Trinidad cost approximately $500.00 US each.

The pans need to be tuned at least annually with a hammer and a blow torch by a tuner who travels from Trinidad !!  The notes on the pans are all identically placed with the whole notes on the right side, and the sharps and flats on the left.

Sadly, the young lady below was not getting it done last night.  Playing the pans is not just hitting the right notes, it is all a matter of rhythm....Last night, it just wasn't working out.....

Note the player on the right side of the photo....He is giving the nod to the 'Pan Man' to take over her position:

                               "Dave the Pan Man" steps up to save the evening.....!!!

There is only one way to describe the whole evening....PANTASTIC !!!

1 comment:

  1. "..saves the evening..." ? A friend of mine read a review in the Fine Arts section of the St. Georges Tattler and he said their art critic panned your performance.

    You're probably having it too easy without me there to bust your chops once in a while.

    Hi to all. Eric and Jackie
