Saturday, August 27, 2011

Roger's Barefoot Beach Bar

Roger's Barefoot Beach Bar
So, we're hanging out at Roger's having a coldie and listening to the band. As I approach the bar, I hear a local fellow asking Roger if he knows the crews of  'Persephone' or 'Silverheels III'.  "Hi, I'm from Persephone", I announce.  "Hi, I'm Franklin, and I have been following your blog for months's really great to meet you", he says.  Mon, you need to get a life !", I retort.  Undaunted, Franklin continues..."I'm Grenadian, but working in Brooklyn...I've got 14 years left before I can retire, I can hardly wait to do what you are doing", he lamented"...

Parking Lot at Roger's
 Handshakes all around, clinking of Carib bottles, and tales of adventure followed.  As we talked we were entertained by a live local band (with their portable generator whining in the near background).  The waterlogged, blown-out, and muffled speakers added to the ambiance.  What they lacked in equipment, they made up in enthusiasm !!
The bandstand is below the high water mark, note
the seaweed under the stage....
Franklin, this Blog is dedicated to you, mon.  Twelve years ago, my dream was kept alive by the voyages of Bob and Lori on 'Pride'.  I hope that the travels of 'Persephone' help keep your dream alive, and you are able to sail in our wake as we did in Pride's....    

1 comment:

  1. hey thank u!!.....was a great pleasure meeting u...!! a shock it was to actually meet the people i have read so much about!!....had a great time...take care ..enjoy and safe sailing!!..
