Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Boo-Boo Hill

Many years ago, on a dark and stormy night, (No, this is not about the Bermuda rum drink, Dark and Stormy or rum fronts passing....I'm talking wind and rain) a schooner with missionaries aboard foundered and sank off Warderick Wells. None of the bodies of the souls aboard was recovered and afforded a "Christian" burial. So, it is the lore of Warderick Wells, that on moonless nights you can hear the missionaries singing hymns and their ghosts saying boo-boo on the highest hill on the inland. Boaters for years have left an "offering" on Boo-Boo Hill consisting of a plaque with their boat name on it to appease the ghosts and to insure safe passage. So, today's project will be to make up a sign with Persephone etched on it, climb Boo-Boo Hill and leave our offering for Warderick's ghosts hoping we are granted safe passage.

We may have already offended the souls of Warderick by not leaving our offering sooner....We climbed Boo-Boo Hill on Sunday afternoon WITHOUT our offering and the wx here has been awful since !! Soon after our climb, the wind started to howl, and the temp tanked. Yesterday, was overcast, temps in the low-mid 60s, windy, and with occasional drizzle....just delightful...NOT ! We left Persephone for about 10 minutes to register at the office, and then returned to plan our next hop and do some minor boat projects. In reality, I just goofed off all day !! So the ghosts of Warderick have Persephone trapped in the anchorage until the weather abates.

Gotta get to work on our "offering" and climb Boo-Boo Hill TODAY. Will take the camera along to document the event.

Hey, ghosts of Warderick....lighten up on the weather !! PLEASE !! We are sorry about Sunday, and we are bringing our offering this morning !! THE CREW

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