Saturday, January 2, 2010

Still at Norman's Cay

Happy New Year to all........

We are still at Norman's Cay to start the new year. As the new year starts, we still have no communication with the states; other than ham radio. There is internet available at the restaurant on the island, but it is so slow it can take an hour to download emails and there are usually several people trying to hook up their laptops, further slowing down internet access. So, we hope these are being posted to our blog; which we haven't seen in a week.

Ian left yesterday aboard a small twin engine charter plan from the runway (if you can call it that) here at Norman's. The runway was constructed years ago by drug-runners who occupied Norman's as a distribution hub. In fact, there are the remains of a good sized plane in the anchorage about 150 yards in front of us.....word is the pilot missed the runway and wound up in the water. We had a great time during Ian's visit, and it is always a downer when a friend has to return to "reality".

Shortly after Ian's departure, a wx front descended upon us as predicted. The wind piped up to a brisk breeze (25+kts) and the seas outside the reef were forecast at 15 feet. Due to tidal currents and wind direction opposing each other, Persephone was rolling heavily at about 15 degrees to each side. It was the most uncomfortable conditions we have experienced during our entire trip....Trudie was unable to use the galley to cook, so we had cheese, crackers and apps for dinner. I had to kneel in the shower so as not to get tossed around....the shampoo bottle (plastic) was bouncing around the shower stall. Felt like I had fallen into a washing machine. The wave/surf were very loud breaking on the reef surrounding the island. The wind has switched to the north and has aligned with the current so we have stopped the heavy rolling....but the wind is still pretty stiff, at 20-25 kts. Hope the wind drops before the tide/current changes or we will be back to the incessant rolling.

Don't have much planned today....a couple of easy boat projects (taking down the Christmas lites), some beach time, and planning our next stop which will be the Exumas Land and Sea Park, at Warderick Wells. This is billed as the first land-sea nature preserve/park in the world. We have to put our name on the list to request a mooring. The Park does not permit anchoring in close as anchors can kill the coral. So, we will make the request today, and the Park will let us know tomorrow morning via radio if a mooring is available. So, we may or may not get underway tomorrow.....Norman's is beautiful so it matters little when we leave.....We can stay as long as our fresh water lasts....more on that later.


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