Friday, June 18, 2010

Loving the French Islands....

T and I were hobbling (only I was hobbling....more below) from the bar, after attending happy hour, and we were talking about the approaching clouds. Just as we fired up the dinghy, the deluge absolute driving tropical downpour. I gunned the engine and we planed across the harbor in the pelting rain. We got drenched, the rain was cool, but, the air is warm...what a great way to cool off after a hot day. AND, the added bonus is we left the values open to the water tanks, so we were able to collect 30+ gallons of fresh water (so we don't have to haul it AND pay for it). Simply, even a downpour in the tropics (and Martinique in particular) is a good thing !!

We are still in Marin, Martinique, and completely enjoying it. We came here because of the threat earlier in the week of a tropical "event" possibly forming in the Atlantic. Marin has a good "hurricane hole" if God forbid needed. We are still in the "Bay of Cyclones" called because there are mangrove trees on three sides of the anchorage, and the anchorage is surrounded by high mountains. The importance of mangroves is that you can pull the boat into the mangroves and tie the boat to the roots. The roots are prolific and VERY dense, and thus very difficult to pull out; making for an excellent storm anchorage. Thank God, we didn't need to try our luck in the mangroves!!

Two days ago, I was doing a boat project and was kneeling on the deck. When I tried to stand, something popped in my right knee....I have no idea what I did to it. All I know is that it hurts like heck and I can hardly walk. I have been taking it easy, and applying ice regularly. The ice is reducing the swelling, and I am a bit better today....getting old is a bi**h !! (As I said, I WAS able to get to a bar, so how bad can it be !!). However, I am not up to sailing, or anything involving balance, or walking any distance (unless it involves a baguette). If there is not a vast improvement by Monday, I am going to check out a doctor. If needed, I would rather get medical attention on a French island, then some of the islands to our south. Will let you know my progress, or lack thereof....

Time to start dinner....chicken on the grill, baguettes and French pastries for desert. Boy, the French DO know how to live and THE CREW are quick studies!! We are actually becoming connoisseurs of baguettes and the different varieties ....what are we going to do when we leave the French Islands behind for the summer ? We are addicted !!

Staying put for the weekend, and (if the knee improves) off to St. Lucia, St. Vincent's/ The Grenadines and finally Grenada. Will keep you posted.


1 comment:

  1. Chances are good that you've torn Your Anterior or Posterior Cruciate Ligament Look up all the possibilities and the symptoms, and the treatments. If you are lucky, a knee brace and tincture of time will do it. Lets hope so.
